IXR_ClientMulticall WordPress Class

The IXR_ClientMulticall class is a WordPress class that allows for multiple calls to be made to an XML-RPC server. This can be used to speed up communication with a remote server by making multiple calls in a single request.

IXR_ClientMulticall #



File: wp-includes/IXR/class-IXR-clientmulticall.php

class IXR_ClientMulticall extends IXR_Client
    var $calls = array();

	 * PHP5 constructor.
    function __construct( $server, $path = false, $port = 80 )
        parent::IXR_Client($server, $path, $port);
        $this->useragent = 'The Incutio XML-RPC PHP Library (multicall client)';

	 * PHP4 constructor.
	public function IXR_ClientMulticall( $server, $path = false, $port = 80 ) {
		self::__construct( $server, $path, $port );

	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @since 5.5.0 Formalized the existing `...$args` parameter by adding it
	 *              to the function signature.
    function addCall( ...$args )
        $methodName = array_shift($args);
        $struct = array(
            'methodName' => $methodName,
            'params' => $args
        $this->calls[] = $struct;

	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @since 5.5.0 Formalized the existing `...$args` parameter by adding it
	 *              to the function signature.
	 * @return bool
    function query( ...$args )
        // Prepare multicall, then call the parent::query() method
        return parent::query('system.multicall', $this->calls);

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