IXR_Server::call() WordPress Method

The IXR_Server::call() method is used to call a remote XML-RPC method. It takes two arguments: the method name and an array of parameters. The method name is a string, and the array of parameters is an array of type-value pairs.

IXR_Server::call( $methodname,  $args ) #


File: wp-includes/IXR/class-IXR-server.php

    function call($methodname, $args)
        if (!$this->hasMethod($methodname)) {
            return new IXR_Error(-32601, 'server error. requested method '.$methodname.' does not exist.');
        $method = $this->callbacks[$methodname];

        // Perform the callback and send the response
        if (count($args) == 1) {
            // If only one parameter just send that instead of the whole array
            $args = $args[0];

        // Are we dealing with a function or a method?
        if (is_string($method) && substr($method, 0, 5) == 'this:') {
            // It's a class method - check it exists
            $method = substr($method, 5);
            if (!method_exists($this, $method)) {
                return new IXR_Error(-32601, 'server error. requested class method "'.$method.'" does not exist.');

            //Call the method
            $result = $this->$method($args);
        } else {
            // It's a function - does it exist?
            if (is_array($method)) {
                if (!is_callable(array($method[0], $method[1]))) {
                    return new IXR_Error(-32601, 'server error. requested object method "'.$method[1].'" does not exist.');
            } else if (!function_exists($method)) {
                return new IXR_Error(-32601, 'server error. requested function "'.$method.'" does not exist.');

            // Call the function
            $result = call_user_func($method, $args);
        return $result;

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