Walker::start_el() WordPress Method
The Walker::start_el() method is used to start the process of walking through a tree of objects. It is called once for each object in the tree. The method takes two parameters: the Walker object and the object currently being processed.
Walker::start_el( string $output, object $data_object, int $depth, array $args = array(), int $current_object_id ) #
Starts the element output.
The $args parameter holds additional values that may be used with the child class methods. Also includes the element output.
- $output
(string)(Required)Used to append additional content (passed by reference).
- $data_object
(object)(Required)The data object.
- $depth
(int)(Required)Depth of the item.
- $args
(array)(Optional)An array of additional arguments.
Default value: array()
- $current_object_id
(int)(Optional) ID of the current item. Default 0.
More Information
This method is abstract and should be explicitly defined in the child class, as needed. Also note that $output is passed by reference, so any changes made to the variable within the following methods are automatically handled (no return, echo, or print needed).
“Start Element”. Generally, this method is used to add the opening HTML tag for a single tree item (such as <li>, <span>, or <a>) to $output.
File: wp-includes/class-wp-walker.php
public function start_el( &$output, $data_object, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $current_object_id = 0 ) {}
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Version | Description |
5.9.0 | Renamed $object (a PHP reserved keyword) to $data_object for PHP 8 named parameter support. |
2.1.0 | Introduced. |