WP_Date_Query::get_sql_for_query() WordPress Method

The WP_Date_Query::get_sql_for_query() method is used to generate the SQL code for a given date query. The method takes an array of parameters as its input and outputs the SQL code as a string. The parameters include the date field (e.g. post_date), the operator (e.g. =, <, >, BETWEEN, etc.), and the date value (e.g. 2018-01-01). This method is used internally by the WP_Query class to generate the SQL code for date-based queries.

WP_Date_Query::get_sql_for_query( array $query, int $depth ) #

Generate SQL clauses for a single query array.


If nested subqueries are found, this method recurses the tree to produce the properly nested SQL.

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(array)(Required)Query to parse.


(int)(Optional) Number of tree levels deep we currently are. Used to calculate indentation. Default 0.

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(array) Array containing JOIN and WHERE SQL clauses to append to a single query array.

  • 'join'
    (string) SQL fragment to append to the main JOIN clause.
  • 'where'
    (string) SQL fragment to append to the main WHERE clause.

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File: wp-includes/class-wp-date-query.php

	protected function get_sql_for_query( $query, $depth = 0 ) {
		$sql_chunks = array(
			'join'  => array(),
			'where' => array(),

		$sql = array(
			'join'  => '',
			'where' => '',

		$indent = '';
		for ( $i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++ ) {
			$indent .= '  ';

		foreach ( $query as $key => $clause ) {
			if ( 'relation' === $key ) {
				$relation = $query['relation'];
			} elseif ( is_array( $clause ) ) {

				// This is a first-order clause.
				if ( $this->is_first_order_clause( $clause ) ) {
					$clause_sql = $this->get_sql_for_clause( $clause, $query );

					$where_count = count( $clause_sql['where'] );
					if ( ! $where_count ) {
						$sql_chunks['where'][] = '';
					} elseif ( 1 === $where_count ) {
						$sql_chunks['where'][] = $clause_sql['where'][0];
					} else {
						$sql_chunks['where'][] = '( ' . implode( ' AND ', $clause_sql['where'] ) . ' )';

					$sql_chunks['join'] = array_merge( $sql_chunks['join'], $clause_sql['join'] );
					// This is a subquery, so we recurse.
				} else {
					$clause_sql = $this->get_sql_for_query( $clause, $depth + 1 );

					$sql_chunks['where'][] = $clause_sql['where'];
					$sql_chunks['join'][]  = $clause_sql['join'];

		// Filter to remove empties.
		$sql_chunks['join']  = array_filter( $sql_chunks['join'] );
		$sql_chunks['where'] = array_filter( $sql_chunks['where'] );

		if ( empty( $relation ) ) {
			$relation = 'AND';

		// Filter duplicate JOIN clauses and combine into a single string.
		if ( ! empty( $sql_chunks['join'] ) ) {
			$sql['join'] = implode( ' ', array_unique( $sql_chunks['join'] ) );

		// Generate a single WHERE clause with proper brackets and indentation.
		if ( ! empty( $sql_chunks['where'] ) ) {
			$sql['where'] = '( ' . "\n  " . $indent . implode( ' ' . "\n  " . $indent . $relation . ' ' . "\n  " . $indent, $sql_chunks['where'] ) . "\n" . $indent . ')';

		return $sql;

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