WP_Image_Editor_Imagick::maybe_exif_rotate() WordPress Method

This method is used to check whether an image needs to be rotated based on EXIF data. It first checks if the image has any EXIF data. If it does, it then checks whether the image needs to be rotated. If it does, it then rotates the image.

WP_Image_Editor_Imagick::maybe_exif_rotate() #

Check if a JPEG image has EXIF Orientation tag and rotate it if needed.


As ImageMagick copies the EXIF data to the flipped/rotated image, proceed only if EXIF Orientation can be reset afterwards.

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(bool|WP_Error) True if the image was rotated. False if no EXIF data or if the image doesn't need rotation. WP_Error if error while rotating.

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File: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php

	public function maybe_exif_rotate() {
		if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'setImageOrientation' ) ) && defined( 'Imagick::ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT' ) ) {
			return parent::maybe_exif_rotate();
		} else {
			return new WP_Error( 'write_exif_error', __( 'The image cannot be rotated because the embedded meta data cannot be updated.' ) );

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