WP_List_Table::display_rows() WordPress Method

The WP_List_Table::display_rows() method is used to display the rows of data for a list table. This method is called by the WP_List_Table::display() method. The WP_List_Table::display_rows() method accepts two arguments, the $items array of data and the $columns array of columns. The WP_List_Table::display_rows() method loops through the $items array and outputs a row for each item in the array. The method also checks the $columns array to see which columns should be displayed for each item. The WP_List_Table::display_rows() method is an important part of the WP_List_Table class and is used to display data in a list table.

WP_List_Table::display_rows() #

Generates the table rows.

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This loops through the items property and renders them to the page as table rows. Generally, you don’t need to call this explicitly as it is handled automatically on display().

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File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php

	public function display_rows() {
		foreach ( $this->items as $item ) {
			$this->single_row( $item );

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