WP_Terms_List_Table::column_posts() WordPress Method

The WP_Terms_List_Table::column_posts() method displays the number of posts associated with a given term. This is useful for managing terms with a large number of posts.

WP_Terms_List_Table::column_posts( WP_Term $tag ) #



(WP_Term)(Required)Term object.

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File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php

	public function column_posts( $tag ) {
		$count = number_format_i18n( $tag->count );

		$tax = get_taxonomy( $this->screen->taxonomy );

		$ptype_object = get_post_type_object( $this->screen->post_type );
		if ( ! $ptype_object->show_ui ) {
			return $count;

		if ( $tax->query_var ) {
			$args = array( $tax->query_var => $tag->slug );
		} else {
			$args = array(
				'taxonomy' => $tax->name,
				'term'     => $tag->slug,

		if ( 'post' !== $this->screen->post_type ) {
			$args['post_type'] = $this->screen->post_type;

		if ( 'attachment' === $this->screen->post_type ) {
			return "<a href='" . esc_url( add_query_arg( $args, 'upload.php' ) ) . "'>$count</a>";

		return "<a href='" . esc_url( add_query_arg( $args, 'edit.php' ) ) . "'>$count</a>";

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