Filters the number of secondary link items for the ‘WordPress Events and News’ dashboard widget.
Filters the number of secondary link items for the ‘WordPress Events and News’ dashboard widget.
Filters the secondary link URL for the ‘WordPress Events and News’ dashboard widget.
Filters the secondary link title for the ‘WordPress Events and News’ dashboard widget.
Fires at the end of the ‘Right Now’ widget in the Network Admin dashboard.
Fires at the end of the ‘Right Now’ widget in the Network Admin dashboard.
Filters the link label for the ‘Search engines discouraged’ message displayed in the ‘At a Glance’ dashboard widget.
Filters the link title attribute for the ‘Search engines discouraged’ message displayed in the ‘At a Glance’ dashboard widget.
Fires at the end of the ‘At a Glance’ dashboard widget.
Fires after core widgets for the admin dashboard have been registered.
Filters the list of widgets to load for the admin dashboard.