_wp_post_revision_field_{$field} WordPress Filter Hook

This hook is called whenever a revision is saved for a post. It allows you to add your own custom fields to the revision post type.

apply_filters( "_wp_post_revision_field_{$field}", string $revision_field, string $field, WP_Post $compare_from, string $context ) #

Contextually filter a post revision field.


The dynamic portion of the hook name, $field, corresponds to a name of a field of the revision object.

Possible hook names include:

  • _wp_post_revision_field_post_title
  • _wp_post_revision_field_post_content
  • _wp_post_revision_field_post_excerpt

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(string)The current revision field to compare to or from.


(string)The current revision field.


(WP_Post)The revision post object to compare to or from.


(string)The context of whether the current revision is the old or the new one. Values are 'to' or 'from'.

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File: wp-admin/includes/revision.php

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