WP_Customize_Nav_Menus::enqueue_scripts() WordPress Method

The WP_Customize_Nav_Menus::enqueue_scripts() method is used to enqueue the scripts required for managing menus in the customizer. This includes the JS for managing the drag and drop interface for rearranging menu items, and for displaying the available menu locations for each theme.

WP_Customize_Nav_Menus::enqueue_scripts() #

Enqueues scripts and styles for Customizer pane.


File: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-nav-menus.php

	public function enqueue_scripts() {
		wp_enqueue_style( 'customize-nav-menus' );
		wp_enqueue_script( 'customize-nav-menus' );

		$temp_nav_menu_setting      = new WP_Customize_Nav_Menu_Setting( $this->manager, 'nav_menu[-1]' );
		$temp_nav_menu_item_setting = new WP_Customize_Nav_Menu_Item_Setting( $this->manager, 'nav_menu_item[-1]' );

		$num_locations = count( get_registered_nav_menus() );

		if ( 1 === $num_locations ) {
			$locations_description = __( 'Your theme can display menus in one location.' );
		} else {
			/* translators: %s: Number of menu locations. */
			$locations_description = sprintf( _n( 'Your theme can display menus in %s location.', 'Your theme can display menus in %s locations.', $num_locations ), number_format_i18n( $num_locations ) );

		// Pass data to JS.
		$settings = array(
			'allMenus'                 => wp_get_nav_menus(),
			'itemTypes'                => $this->available_item_types(),
			'l10n'                     => array(
				'untitled'               => _x( '(no label)', 'missing menu item navigation label' ),
				'unnamed'                => _x( '(unnamed)', 'Missing menu name.' ),
				'custom_label'           => __( 'Custom Link' ),
				'page_label'             => get_post_type_object( 'page' )->labels->singular_name,
				/* translators: %s: Menu location. */
				'menuLocation'           => _x( '(Currently set to: %s)', 'menu' ),
				'locationsTitle'         => 1 === $num_locations ? __( 'Menu Location' ) : __( 'Menu Locations' ),
				'locationsDescription'   => $locations_description,
				'menuNameLabel'          => __( 'Menu Name' ),
				'newMenuNameDescription' => __( 'If your theme has multiple menus, giving them clear names will help you manage them.' ),
				'itemAdded'              => __( 'Menu item added' ),
				'itemDeleted'            => __( 'Menu item deleted' ),
				'menuAdded'              => __( 'Menu created' ),
				'menuDeleted'            => __( 'Menu deleted' ),
				'movedUp'                => __( 'Menu item moved up' ),
				'movedDown'              => __( 'Menu item moved down' ),
				'movedLeft'              => __( 'Menu item moved out of submenu' ),
				'movedRight'             => __( 'Menu item is now a sub-item' ),
				/* translators: ▸ is the unicode right-pointing triangle. %s: Section title in the Customizer. */
				'customizingMenus'       => sprintf( __( 'Customizing ▸ %s' ), esc_html( $this->manager->get_panel( 'nav_menus' )->title ) ),
				/* translators: %s: Title of an invalid menu item. */
				'invalidTitleTpl'        => __( '%s (Invalid)' ),
				/* translators: %s: Title of a menu item in draft status. */
				'pendingTitleTpl'        => __( '%s (Pending)' ),
				/* translators: %d: Number of menu items found. */
				'itemsFound'             => __( 'Number of items found: %d' ),
				/* translators: %d: Number of additional menu items found. */
				'itemsFoundMore'         => __( 'Additional items found: %d' ),
				'itemsLoadingMore'       => __( 'Loading more results... please wait.' ),
				'reorderModeOn'          => __( 'Reorder mode enabled' ),
				'reorderModeOff'         => __( 'Reorder mode closed' ),
				'reorderLabelOn'         => esc_attr__( 'Reorder menu items' ),
				'reorderLabelOff'        => esc_attr__( 'Close reorder mode' ),
			'settingTransport'         => 'postMessage',
			'phpIntMax'                => PHP_INT_MAX,
			'defaultSettingValues'     => array(
				'nav_menu'      => $temp_nav_menu_setting->default,
				'nav_menu_item' => $temp_nav_menu_item_setting->default,
			'locationSlugMappedToName' => get_registered_nav_menus(),

		$data = sprintf( 'var _wpCustomizeNavMenusSettings = %s;', wp_json_encode( $settings ) );
		wp_scripts()->add_data( 'customize-nav-menus', 'data', $data );

		// This is copied from nav-menus.php, and it has an unfortunate object name of `menus`.
		$nav_menus_l10n = array(
			'oneThemeLocationNoMenus' => null,
			'moveUp'                  => __( 'Move up one' ),
			'moveDown'                => __( 'Move down one' ),
			'moveToTop'               => __( 'Move to the top' ),
			/* translators: %s: Previous item name. */
			'moveUnder'               => __( 'Move under %s' ),
			/* translators: %s: Previous item name. */
			'moveOutFrom'             => __( 'Move out from under %s' ),
			/* translators: %s: Previous item name. */
			'under'                   => __( 'Under %s' ),
			/* translators: %s: Previous item name. */
			'outFrom'                 => __( 'Out from under %s' ),
			/* translators: 1: Item name, 2: Item position, 3: Total number of items. */
			'menuFocus'               => __( '%1$s. Menu item %2$d of %3$d.' ),
			/* translators: 1: Item name, 2: Item position, 3: Parent item name. */
			'subMenuFocus'            => __( '%1$s. Sub item number %2$d under %3$s.' ),
		wp_localize_script( 'nav-menu', 'menus', $nav_menus_l10n );

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