WP_Image_Editor_GD::_resize() WordPress Method
The WP_Image_Editor_GD::_resize() function is used to resize an image using the GD library. This is a low-level function that is used by other methods in the class.
WP_Image_Editor_GD::_resize( int $max_w, int $max_h, bool|array $crop = false ) #
- $max_w
- $max_h
- $crop
Default value: false
File: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php
protected function _resize( $max_w, $max_h, $crop = false ) { $dims = image_resize_dimensions( $this->size['width'], $this->size['height'], $max_w, $max_h, $crop ); if ( ! $dims ) { return new WP_Error( 'error_getting_dimensions', __( 'Could not calculate resized image dimensions' ), $this->file ); } list( $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h ) = $dims; $resized = wp_imagecreatetruecolor( $dst_w, $dst_h ); imagecopyresampled( $resized, $this->image, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h ); if ( is_gd_image( $resized ) ) { $this->update_size( $dst_w, $dst_h ); return $resized; } return new WP_Error( 'image_resize_error', __( 'Image resize failed.' ), $this->file ); }
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