Display or retrieve page title for post.
Welcome to the WPPaste WordPress Function index. This page contains a an alphabetically sorted list of functions that are available for use in WordPress. Each function has a brief description of what it does and how it can be used. To find out more about a particular function, simply click on the function name.
Display or retrieve page title for post.
Display or retrieve page title for tag post archive.
Display or retrieve page title for taxonomy term archive.
Displays an admin notice to upgrade all sites after a core upgrade.
Displays the Site Icon URL.
Retrieves the URL for the current site where WordPress application files (e.g. wp-blog-header.php or the wp-admin/ folder) are accessible.
Converts a number of bytes to the largest unit the bytes will fit into.
Convert smiley code to the icon graphic file equivalent.
Description Pending
Sends a request to run cron through HTTP request that doesn’t halt page loading.