Fires before the administration menu loads in the admin.
Welcome to the WPPaste WordPress Hook index. This page contains a an alphabetically sorted list of hooks that are available for use in WordPress. Each hook has a brief description of what it does and how it can be used. To find out more about a particular hook, simply click on the hook name.
Fires before the administration menu loads in the admin.
Fires after WordPress core has been successfully updated.
Filters the permalink for a non-page_on_front page.
Fires before the administration menu loads in the Network Admin.
Fires before the administration menu loads in the User Admin.
Contextually filter a post revision field.
Filters the list of fields saved in post revisions.
Fires once a revision has been saved.
Filters the relative path to an uploaded file.
If the ‘postcustom’ meta box is enabled, then we need to perform some extra initialization on it.