Filters whether to preempt sending an email.
Welcome to the WPPaste WordPress Hook index. This page contains a an alphabetically sorted list of hooks that are available for use in WordPress. Each hook has a brief description of what it does and how it can be used. To find out more about a particular hook, simply click on the hook name.
Filters whether to preempt sending an email.
Filters whether to short-circuit the wp_nav_menu() output.
Filters the file list used for calculating a unique filename for a newly added file.
Filters the post slug before it is generated to be unique.
Filters a post’s comment count before it is updated in the database.
Short-circuits the process of detecting errors related to HTTPS support.
Filters the attachment markup to be prepended to the post content.
Filters a comment’s data before it is sanitized and inserted into the database.
Fires when the site sign-up form is sent.
Filters the URL used for a post preview.