Fires at the end of the RSS root to add namespaces.
Welcome to the WPPaste WordPress Hook index. This page contains a an alphabetically sorted list of hooks that are available for use in WordPress. Each hook has a brief description of what it does and how it can be used. To find out more about a particular hook, simply click on the hook name.
Fires at the end of the RSS root to add namespaces.
Filters the RSS enclosure HTML link tag for the current post.
Fires at the end of the RSS Feed Header.
Fires at the end of each RSS feed item.
Fires between the xml and rss tags in a feed.
Filters the RSS update frequency.
Filters how often to update the RSS feed.
Filters the classic RSS widget’s feed icon link.
Filters whether to skip running wptexturize().
Filters the list of allowed CSS attributes.