_WP_Editors::editor_settings() WordPress Method
The WP_Editors::editor_settings() method allows you to modify the settings for the WordPress editor. This is useful if you want to change the default behavior of the editor, or add your own custom settings.
_WP_Editors::editor_settings( string $editor_id, array $set ) #
- $editor_id
(string)(Required)Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'.
- $set
(array)(Required)Array of editor arguments.
File: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php
public static function editor_settings( $editor_id, $set ) { if ( empty( self::$first_init ) ) { if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'editor_js' ), 50 ); add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'force_uncompressed_tinymce' ), 1 ); add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'enqueue_scripts' ), 1 ); } else { add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'editor_js' ), 50 ); add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'force_uncompressed_tinymce' ), 1 ); add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'enqueue_scripts' ), 1 ); } } if ( self::$this_quicktags ) { $qtInit = array( 'id' => $editor_id, 'buttons' => '', ); if ( is_array( $set['quicktags'] ) ) { $qtInit = array_merge( $qtInit, $set['quicktags'] ); } if ( empty( $qtInit['buttons'] ) ) { $qtInit['buttons'] = 'strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,more,close'; } if ( $set['_content_editor_dfw'] ) { $qtInit['buttons'] .= ',dfw'; } /** * Filters the Quicktags settings. * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param array $qtInit Quicktags settings. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. */ $qtInit = apply_filters( 'quicktags_settings', $qtInit, $editor_id ); self::$qt_settings[ $editor_id ] = $qtInit; self::$qt_buttons = array_merge( self::$qt_buttons, explode( ',', $qtInit['buttons'] ) ); } if ( self::$this_tinymce ) { if ( empty( self::$first_init ) ) { $baseurl = self::get_baseurl(); $mce_locale = self::get_mce_locale(); $ext_plugins = ''; if ( $set['teeny'] ) { /** * Filters the list of teenyMCE plugins. * * @since 2.7.0 * @since 3.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $plugins An array of teenyMCE plugins. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. */ $plugins = apply_filters( 'teeny_mce_plugins', array( 'colorpicker', 'lists', 'fullscreen', 'image', 'wordpress', 'wpeditimage', 'wplink', ), $editor_id ); } else { /** * Filters the list of TinyMCE external plugins. * * The filter takes an associative array of external plugins for * TinyMCE in the form 'plugin_name' => 'url'. * * The url should be absolute, and should include the js filename * to be loaded. For example: * 'myplugin' => 'http://mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/myfolder/mce_plugin.js'. * * If the external plugin adds a button, it should be added with * one of the 'mce_buttons' filters. * * @since 2.5.0 * @since 5.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $external_plugins An array of external TinyMCE plugins. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. Accepts 'classic-block' * when called from block editor's Classic block. */ $mce_external_plugins = apply_filters( 'mce_external_plugins', array(), $editor_id ); $plugins = array( 'charmap', 'colorpicker', 'hr', 'lists', 'media', 'paste', 'tabfocus', 'textcolor', 'fullscreen', 'wordpress', 'wpautoresize', 'wpeditimage', 'wpemoji', 'wpgallery', 'wplink', 'wpdialogs', 'wptextpattern', 'wpview', ); if ( ! self::$has_medialib ) { $plugins[] = 'image'; } /** * Filters the list of default TinyMCE plugins. * * The filter specifies which of the default plugins included * in WordPress should be added to the TinyMCE instance. * * @since 3.3.0 * @since 5.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $plugins An array of default TinyMCE plugins. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. Accepts 'classic-block' * when called from block editor's Classic block. */ $plugins = array_unique( apply_filters( 'tiny_mce_plugins', $plugins, $editor_id ) ); $key = array_search( 'spellchecker', $plugins, true ); if ( false !== $key ) { // Remove 'spellchecker' from the internal plugins if added with 'tiny_mce_plugins' filter to prevent errors. // It can be added with 'mce_external_plugins'. unset( $plugins[ $key ] ); } if ( ! empty( $mce_external_plugins ) ) { /** * Filters the translations loaded for external TinyMCE 3.x plugins. * * The filter takes an associative array ('plugin_name' => 'path') * where 'path' is the include path to the file. * * The language file should follow the same format as wp_mce_translation(), * and should define a variable ($strings) that holds all translated strings. * * @since 2.5.0 * @since 5.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $translations Translations for external TinyMCE plugins. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. */ $mce_external_languages = apply_filters( 'mce_external_languages', array(), $editor_id ); $loaded_langs = array(); $strings = ''; if ( ! empty( $mce_external_languages ) ) { foreach ( $mce_external_languages as $name => $path ) { if ( @is_file( $path ) && @is_readable( $path ) ) { include_once $path; $ext_plugins .= $strings . "\n"; $loaded_langs[] = $name; } } } foreach ( $mce_external_plugins as $name => $url ) { if ( in_array( $name, $plugins, true ) ) { unset( $mce_external_plugins[ $name ] ); continue; } $url = set_url_scheme( $url ); $mce_external_plugins[ $name ] = $url; $plugurl = dirname( $url ); $strings = ''; // Try to load langs/[locale].js and langs/[locale]_dlg.js. if ( ! in_array( $name, $loaded_langs, true ) ) { $path = str_replace( content_url(), '', $plugurl ); $path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . $path . '/langs/'; $path = trailingslashit( realpath( $path ) ); if ( @is_file( $path . $mce_locale . '.js' ) ) { $strings .= @file_get_contents( $path . $mce_locale . '.js' ) . "\n"; } if ( @is_file( $path . $mce_locale . '_dlg.js' ) ) { $strings .= @file_get_contents( $path . $mce_locale . '_dlg.js' ) . "\n"; } if ( 'en' !== $mce_locale && empty( $strings ) ) { if ( @is_file( $path . 'en.js' ) ) { $str1 = @file_get_contents( $path . 'en.js' ); $strings .= preg_replace( '/([\'"])en\./', '$1' . $mce_locale . '.', $str1, 1 ) . "\n"; } if ( @is_file( $path . 'en_dlg.js' ) ) { $str2 = @file_get_contents( $path . 'en_dlg.js' ); $strings .= preg_replace( '/([\'"])en\./', '$1' . $mce_locale . '.', $str2, 1 ) . "\n"; } } if ( ! empty( $strings ) ) { $ext_plugins .= "\n" . $strings . "\n"; } } $ext_plugins .= 'tinyMCEPreInit.load_ext("' . $plugurl . '", "' . $mce_locale . '");' . "\n"; } } } self::$plugins = $plugins; self::$ext_plugins = $ext_plugins; $settings = self::default_settings(); $settings['plugins'] = implode( ',', $plugins ); if ( ! empty( $mce_external_plugins ) ) { $settings['external_plugins'] = wp_json_encode( $mce_external_plugins ); } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */ if ( apply_filters( 'disable_captions', '' ) ) { $settings['wpeditimage_disable_captions'] = true; } $mce_css = $settings['content_css']; /* * The `editor-style.css` added by the theme is generally intended for the editor instance on the Edit Post screen. * Plugins that use wp_editor() on the front-end can decide whether to add the theme stylesheet * by using `get_editor_stylesheets()` and the `mce_css` or `tiny_mce_before_init` filters, see below. */ if ( is_admin() ) { $editor_styles = get_editor_stylesheets(); if ( ! empty( $editor_styles ) ) { // Force urlencoding of commas. foreach ( $editor_styles as $key => $url ) { if ( strpos( $url, ',' ) !== false ) { $editor_styles[ $key ] = str_replace( ',', '%2C', $url ); } } $mce_css .= ',' . implode( ',', $editor_styles ); } } /** * Filters the comma-delimited list of stylesheets to load in TinyMCE. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param string $stylesheets Comma-delimited list of stylesheets. */ $mce_css = trim( apply_filters( 'mce_css', $mce_css ), ' ,' ); if ( ! empty( $mce_css ) ) { $settings['content_css'] = $mce_css; } else { unset( $settings['content_css'] ); } self::$first_init = $settings; } if ( $set['teeny'] ) { $mce_buttons = array( 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'blockquote', 'strikethrough', 'bullist', 'numlist', 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright', 'undo', 'redo', 'link', 'fullscreen', ); /** * Filters the list of teenyMCE buttons (Text tab). * * @since 2.7.0 * @since 3.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $mce_buttons An array of teenyMCE buttons. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. */ $mce_buttons = apply_filters( 'teeny_mce_buttons', $mce_buttons, $editor_id ); $mce_buttons_2 = array(); $mce_buttons_3 = array(); $mce_buttons_4 = array(); } else { $mce_buttons = array( 'formatselect', 'bold', 'italic', 'bullist', 'numlist', 'blockquote', 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright', 'link', 'wp_more', 'spellchecker', ); if ( ! wp_is_mobile() ) { if ( $set['_content_editor_dfw'] ) { $mce_buttons[] = 'wp_adv'; $mce_buttons[] = 'dfw'; } else { $mce_buttons[] = 'fullscreen'; $mce_buttons[] = 'wp_adv'; } } else { $mce_buttons[] = 'wp_adv'; } /** * Filters the first-row list of TinyMCE buttons (Visual tab). * * @since 2.0.0 * @since 3.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $mce_buttons First-row list of buttons. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. Accepts 'classic-block' * when called from block editor's Classic block. */ $mce_buttons = apply_filters( 'mce_buttons', $mce_buttons, $editor_id ); $mce_buttons_2 = array( 'strikethrough', 'hr', 'forecolor', 'pastetext', 'removeformat', 'charmap', 'outdent', 'indent', 'undo', 'redo', ); if ( ! wp_is_mobile() ) { $mce_buttons_2[] = 'wp_help'; } /** * Filters the second-row list of TinyMCE buttons (Visual tab). * * @since 2.0.0 * @since 3.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $mce_buttons_2 Second-row list of buttons. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. Accepts 'classic-block' * when called from block editor's Classic block. */ $mce_buttons_2 = apply_filters( 'mce_buttons_2', $mce_buttons_2, $editor_id ); /** * Filters the third-row list of TinyMCE buttons (Visual tab). * * @since 2.0.0 * @since 3.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $mce_buttons_3 Third-row list of buttons. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. Accepts 'classic-block' * when called from block editor's Classic block. */ $mce_buttons_3 = apply_filters( 'mce_buttons_3', array(), $editor_id ); /** * Filters the fourth-row list of TinyMCE buttons (Visual tab). * * @since 2.5.0 * @since 3.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $mce_buttons_4 Fourth-row list of buttons. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. Accepts 'classic-block' * when called from block editor's Classic block. */ $mce_buttons_4 = apply_filters( 'mce_buttons_4', array(), $editor_id ); } $body_class = $editor_id; $post = get_post(); if ( $post ) { $body_class .= ' post-type-' . sanitize_html_class( $post->post_type ) . ' post-status-' . sanitize_html_class( $post->post_status ); if ( post_type_supports( $post->post_type, 'post-formats' ) ) { $post_format = get_post_format( $post ); if ( $post_format && ! is_wp_error( $post_format ) ) { $body_class .= ' post-format-' . sanitize_html_class( $post_format ); } else { $body_class .= ' post-format-standard'; } } $page_template = get_page_template_slug( $post ); if ( false !== $page_template ) { $page_template = empty( $page_template ) ? 'default' : str_replace( '.', '-', basename( $page_template, '.php' ) ); $body_class .= ' page-template-' . sanitize_html_class( $page_template ); } } $body_class .= ' locale-' . sanitize_html_class( strtolower( str_replace( '_', '-', get_user_locale() ) ) ); if ( ! empty( $set['tinymce']['body_class'] ) ) { $body_class .= ' ' . $set['tinymce']['body_class']; unset( $set['tinymce']['body_class'] ); } $mceInit = array( 'selector' => "#$editor_id", 'wpautop' => (bool) $set['wpautop'], 'indent' => ! $set['wpautop'], 'toolbar1' => implode( ',', $mce_buttons ), 'toolbar2' => implode( ',', $mce_buttons_2 ), 'toolbar3' => implode( ',', $mce_buttons_3 ), 'toolbar4' => implode( ',', $mce_buttons_4 ), 'tabfocus_elements' => $set['tabfocus_elements'], 'body_class' => $body_class, ); // Merge with the first part of the init array. $mceInit = array_merge( self::$first_init, $mceInit ); if ( is_array( $set['tinymce'] ) ) { $mceInit = array_merge( $mceInit, $set['tinymce'] ); } /* * For people who really REALLY know what they're doing with TinyMCE * You can modify $mceInit to add, remove, change elements of the config * before tinyMCE.init. Setting "valid_elements", "invalid_elements" * and "extended_valid_elements" can be done through this filter. Best * is to use the default cleanup by not specifying valid_elements, * as TinyMCE checks against the full set of HTML 5.0 elements and attributes. */ if ( $set['teeny'] ) { /** * Filters the teenyMCE config before init. * * @since 2.7.0 * @since 3.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $mceInit An array with teenyMCE config. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. */ $mceInit = apply_filters( 'teeny_mce_before_init', $mceInit, $editor_id ); } else { /** * Filters the TinyMCE config before init. * * @since 2.5.0 * @since 3.3.0 The `$editor_id` parameter was added. * * @param array $mceInit An array with TinyMCE config. * @param string $editor_id Unique editor identifier, e.g. 'content'. Accepts 'classic-block' * when called from block editor's Classic block. */ $mceInit = apply_filters( 'tiny_mce_before_init', $mceInit, $editor_id ); } if ( empty( $mceInit['toolbar3'] ) && ! empty( $mceInit['toolbar4'] ) ) { $mceInit['toolbar3'] = $mceInit['toolbar4']; $mceInit['toolbar4'] = ''; } self::$mce_settings[ $editor_id ] = $mceInit; } // End if self::$this_tinymce. }
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Version | Description |
3.3.0 | Introduced. |