_WP_Editors::print_default_editor_scripts() WordPress Method

The WP_Editors::print_default_editor_scripts() is a method of the WP_Editors class. This method outputs the necessary JS and CSS to make the editor work. It includes the default WordPress scripts and styles for the editor, and also includes any external editor-related scripts and styles that have been registered.

_WP_Editors::print_default_editor_scripts() #

Print (output) all editor scripts and default settings.


For use when the editor is going to be initialized after page load.

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File: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php

	public static function print_default_editor_scripts() {
		$user_can_richedit = user_can_richedit();

		if ( $user_can_richedit ) {
			$settings = self::default_settings();

			$settings['toolbar1']    = 'bold,italic,bullist,numlist,link';
			$settings['wpautop']     = false;
			$settings['indent']      = true;
			$settings['elementpath'] = false;

			if ( is_rtl() ) {
				$settings['directionality'] = 'rtl';

			 * In production all plugins are loaded (they are in wp-editor.js.gz).
			 * The 'wpview', 'wpdialogs', and 'media' TinyMCE plugins are not initialized by default.
			 * Can be added from js by using the 'wp-before-tinymce-init' event.
			$settings['plugins'] = implode(

			$settings = self::_parse_init( $settings );
		} else {
			$settings = '{}';

		<script type="text/javascript">
		window.wp = window.wp || {};
		window.wp.editor = window.wp.editor || {};
		window.wp.editor.getDefaultSettings = function() {
			return {
				tinymce: <?php echo $settings; ?>,
				quicktags: {
					buttons: 'strong,em,link,ul,ol,li,code'


		if ( $user_can_richedit ) {
			$suffix  = SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
			$baseurl = self::get_baseurl();

			var tinyMCEPreInit = {
				baseURL: "<?php echo $baseurl; ?>",
				suffix: "<?php echo $suffix; ?>",
				mceInit: {},
				qtInit: {},
				load_ext: function(url,lang){var sl=tinymce.ScriptLoader;sl.markDone(url+'/langs/'+lang+'.js');sl.markDone(url+'/langs/'+lang+'_dlg.js');}

		if ( $user_can_richedit ) {

		 * Fires when the editor scripts are loaded for later initialization,
		 * after all scripts and settings are printed.
		 * @since 4.8.0
		do_action( 'print_default_editor_scripts' );


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