Walker_Category_Checklist::start_el() WordPress Method
The Walker_Category_Checklist::start_el() method is used to start the display of a category in the category checklist. The method takes two parameters: the $category object, and the $depth integer. The method outputs the category name, and also handles the setting of the $current_category variable.
Walker_Category_Checklist::start_el( string $output, WP_Term $data_object, int $depth, array $args = array(), int $current_object_id ) #
Start the element output.
See also
- $output
(string)(Required)Used to append additional content (passed by reference).
- $data_object
(WP_Term)(Required)The current term object.
- $depth
(int)(Required)Depth of the term in reference to parents. Default 0.
- $args
(array)(Optional)An array of arguments. @see wp_terms_checklist()
Default value: array()
- $current_object_id
(int)(Optional) ID of the current term. Default 0.
File: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-category-checklist.php
public function start_el( &$output, $data_object, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $current_object_id = 0 ) { // Restores the more descriptive, specific name for use within this method. $category = $data_object; if ( empty( $args['taxonomy'] ) ) { $taxonomy = 'category'; } else { $taxonomy = $args['taxonomy']; } if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) { $name = 'post_category'; } else { $name = 'tax_input[' . $taxonomy . ']'; } $args['popular_cats'] = ! empty( $args['popular_cats'] ) ? array_map( 'intval', $args['popular_cats'] ) : array(); $class = in_array( $category->term_id, $args['popular_cats'], true ) ? ' class="popular-category"' : ''; $args['selected_cats'] = ! empty( $args['selected_cats'] ) ? array_map( 'intval', $args['selected_cats'] ) : array(); if ( ! empty( $args['list_only'] ) ) { $aria_checked = 'false'; $inner_class = 'category'; if ( in_array( $category->term_id, $args['selected_cats'], true ) ) { $inner_class .= ' selected'; $aria_checked = 'true'; } $output .= "\n" . '<li' . $class . '>' . '<div class="' . $inner_class . '" data-term-id=' . $category->term_id . ' tabindex="0" role="checkbox" aria-checked="' . $aria_checked . '">' . /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/category-template.php */ esc_html( apply_filters( 'the_category', $category->name, '', '' ) ) . '</div>'; } else { $is_selected = in_array( $category->term_id, $args['selected_cats'], true ); $is_disabled = ! empty( $args['disabled'] ); $output .= "\n<li id='{$taxonomy}-{$category->term_id}'$class>" . '<label class="selectit"><input value="' . $category->term_id . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $name . '[]" id="in-' . $taxonomy . '-' . $category->term_id . '"' . checked( $is_selected, true, false ) . disabled( $is_disabled, true, false ) . ' /> ' . /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/category-template.php */ esc_html( apply_filters( 'the_category', $category->name, '', '' ) ) . '</label>'; } }
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Version | Description |
5.9.0 | Renamed $category to $data_object and $id to $current_object_id to match parent class for PHP 8 named parameter support. |
2.5.1 | Introduced. |