Validates whether this comment is allowed to be made.
Welcome to the WPPaste WordPress Function index. This page contains a an alphabetically sorted list of functions that are available for use in WordPress. Each function has a brief description of what it does and how it can be used. To find out more about a particular function, simply click on the function name.
Validates whether this comment is allowed to be made.
Retrieve a list of protocols to allow in HTML attributes.
Extract a slice of an array, given a list of keys.
Assigns a widget to the given sidebar.
Verifies an attachment is of a given type.
Determines whether an attachment is an image.
Builds the Audio shortcode output.
Check whether a user is still logged in, for the heartbeat.
Output the HTML that shows the wp-login dialog when the user is no longer logged in.
Load the auth check for monitoring whether the user is still logged in.