Warning: This function has been deprecated. Use the_content_feed() instead.

the_content_rss() WordPress Function

The the_content_rss() function is used to display the content of a post in an RSS feed. This function can be used in conjunction with the_excerpt_rss() function to display a post's excerpt in an RSS feed.

the_content_rss( string $more_link_text = '(more...)', int $stripteaser, string $more_file = '', int $cut, int $encode_html ) #

Display the post content for the feed.


For encoding the HTML or the $encode_html parameter, there are three possible values:

  • ‘0’ will make urls footnotes and use make_url_footnote().
  • ‘1’ will encode special characters and automatically display all of the content.
  • ‘2’ will strip all HTML tags from the content.

Also note that you cannot set the amount of words and not set the HTML encoding. If that is the case, then the HTML encoding will default to 2, which will strip all HTML tags.

To restrict the amount of words of the content, you can use the cut parameter. If the content is less than the amount, then there won’t be any dots added to the end. If there is content left over, then dots will be added and the rest of the content will be removed.

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See also

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(string)(Optional) Text to display when more content is available but not displayed.

Default value: '(more...)'


(int)(Optional) Default 0.



Default value: ''


(int)(Optional) Amount of words to keep for the content.


(int)(Optional) How to encode the content.

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File: wp-includes/deprecated.php

function the_content_rss($more_link_text='(more...)', $stripteaser=0, $more_file='', $cut = 0, $encode_html = 0) {
	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.9.0', 'the_content_feed()' );
	$content = get_the_content($more_link_text, $stripteaser);

	 * Filters the post content in the context of an RSS feed.
	 * @since 0.71
	 * @param string $content Content of the current post.
	$content = apply_filters('the_content_rss', $content);
	if ( $cut && !$encode_html )
		$encode_html = 2;
	if ( 1== $encode_html ) {
		$content = esc_html($content);
		$cut = 0;
	} elseif ( 0 == $encode_html ) {
		$content = make_url_footnote($content);
	} elseif ( 2 == $encode_html ) {
		$content = strip_tags($content);
	if ( $cut ) {
		$blah = explode(' ', $content);
		if ( count($blah) > $cut ) {
			$k = $cut;
			$use_dotdotdot = 1;
		} else {
			$k = count($blah);
			$use_dotdotdot = 0;

		/** @todo Check performance, might be faster to use array slice instead. */
		for ( $i=0; $i<$k; $i++ )
			$excerpt .= $blah[$i].' ';
		$excerpt .= ($use_dotdotdot) ? '...' : '';
		$content = $excerpt;
	$content = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $content);
	echo $content;

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2.9.0Use the_content_feed()

The content displayed on this page has been created in part by processing WordPress source code files which are made available under the GPLv2 (or a later version) license by theĀ Free Software Foundation. In addition to this, the content includes user-written examples and information. All material is subject to review and curation by the WPPaste.com community.

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