Warning: This function has been deprecated. Use _x() instead.

translate_with_context() WordPress Function

The WordPress function translate_with_context() allows you to translate a string with a given context. This is useful for when a string can have more than one meaning, and you need to specify the context in order to correctly translate it. For example, the string "I'm going to the store" could be translated to "Voy a la tienda" in Spanish, but if the context is changed to "I'm going to the grocery store", the translation would be "Voy al supermercado".

translate_with_context( string $text, string $domain = 'default' ) #

Translates $text like translate(), but assumes that the text contains a context after its last vertical bar.


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See also

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(string)(Required)Text to translate.


(string)(Optional)Domain to retrieve the translated text.

Default value: 'default'

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(string) Translated text.

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File: wp-includes/deprecated.php

function translate_with_context( $text, $domain = 'default' ) {
	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.9.0', '_x()' );
	return before_last_bar( translate( $text, $domain ) );

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3.0.0Use _x()

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