wp-includes/script-loader.php:_wp_theme_json_webfonts_handler() | Runs the theme.json webfonts handler. |
wp-includes/user.php:wp_schedule_update_user_counts() | Schedules a recurring recalculation of the total count of users. |
wp-includes/https-detection.php:wp_schedule_https_detection() | Schedules the Cron hook for detecting HTTPS support. |
wp-includes/https-migration.php:wp_update_https_migration_required() | Updates the ‘https_migration_required’ option if needed when the given URL has been updated from HTTP to HTTPS. |
wp-includes/meta.php:filter_default_metadata() | Filters into default_{$object_type}_metadata and adds in default value. |
wp-includes/load.php:wp_is_maintenance_mode() | Check if maintenance mode is enabled. |
wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php:WP_Site_Health::maybe_create_scheduled_event() | Create a weekly cron event, if one does not already exist. |
wp-includes/class-wp-recovery-mode.php:WP_Recovery_Mode::initialize() | Initialize recovery mode for the current request. |
wp-includes/load.php:wp_get_active_and_valid_themes() | Retrieves an array of active and valid themes. |
wp-includes/ms-site.php:wp_initialize_site() | Runs the initialization routine for a given site. |
wp-includes/script-loader.php:wp_default_packages_inline_scripts() | Adds inline scripts required for the WordPress JavaScript packages. |
wp-includes/functions.php:wp_schedule_delete_old_privacy_export_files() | Schedule a WP_Cron job to delete expired export files. |
wp-includes/ms-load.php:ms_load_current_site_and_network() | Identifies the network and site of a requested domain and path and populates the corresponding network and site global objects as part of the multisite bootstrap process. |
wp-admin/includes/translation-install.php:wp_get_available_translations() | Get available translations from the WordPress.org API. |
wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:WP_Automatic_Updater::is_disabled() | Determines whether the entire automatic updater is disabled. |
wp-admin/includes/misc.php:update_home_siteurl() | Flushes rewrite rules if siteurl, home or page_on_front changed. |
wp-admin/includes/file.php:request_filesystem_credentials() | Displays a form to the user to request for their FTP/SSH details in order to connect to the filesystem. |
wp-includes/theme.php:validate_current_theme() | Checks that the active theme has the required files. |
wp-includes/l10n.php:load_default_textdomain() | Load default translated strings based on locale. |
wp-includes/l10n.php:get_locale() | Retrieves the current locale. |
wp-includes/load.php:wp_not_installed() | Redirect to the installer if WordPress is not installed. |
wp-includes/load.php:wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins() | Retrieve an array of active and valid plugin files. |
wp-includes/functions.php:dead_db() | Load custom DB error or display WordPress DB error. |
wp-includes/functions.php:is_blog_installed() | Determines whether WordPress is already installed. |
wp-includes/update.php:wp_schedule_update_checks() | Schedule core, theme, and plugin update checks. |
wp-includes/update.php:wp_version_check() | Check WordPress version against the newest version. |
wp-includes/update.php:wp_update_plugins() | Checks for available updates to plugins based on the latest versions hosted on WordPress.org. |
wp-includes/update.php:wp_update_themes() | Checks for available updates to themes based on the latest versions hosted on WordPress.org. |
wp-includes/option.php:set_site_transient() | Sets/updates the value of a site transient. |
wp-includes/option.php:delete_site_transient() | Deletes a site transient. |
wp-includes/option.php:get_site_transient() | Retrieves the value of a site transient. |
wp-includes/option.php:get_transient() | Retrieves the value of a transient. |
wp-includes/option.php:set_transient() | Sets/updates the value of a transient. |
wp-includes/option.php:wp_load_alloptions() | Loads and caches all autoloaded options, if available or all options. |
wp-includes/option.php:wp_load_core_site_options() | Loads and caches certain often requested site options if is_multisite() and a persistent cache is not being used. |
wp-includes/option.php:update_option() | Updates the value of an option that was already added. |
wp-includes/option.php:add_option() | Adds a new option. |
wp-includes/option.php:delete_option() | Removes option by name. Prevents removal of protected WordPress options. |
wp-includes/option.php:delete_transient() | Deletes a transient. |
wp-includes/option.php:get_option() | Retrieves an option value based on an option name. |
wp-includes/ms-functions.php:wp_schedule_update_network_counts() | Schedules update of the network-wide counts for the current network. |
wp-includes/ms-functions.php:wpmu_create_blog() | Creates a site. |
wp-includes/script-loader.php:wp_style_loader_src() | Administration Screen CSS for changing the styles. |
wp-includes/script-loader.php:script_concat_settings() | Determines the concatenation and compression settings for scripts and styles. |
wp-includes/script-loader.php:wp_default_scripts() | Registers all WordPress scripts. |