wp_get_code_editor_settings() WordPress Function
The wp_get_code_editor_settings() function is used to retrieve the code editor settings for the current user. This function is used by the code editor to determine the user's preferences for how the code editor should function.
wp_get_code_editor_settings( array $args ) #
Generate and return code editor settings.
See also
- $args
- 'type'
(string) The MIME type of the file to be edited. - 'file'
(string) Filename to be edited. Extension is used to sniff the type. Can be supplied as alternative to$type
param. - 'theme'
(WP_Theme) Theme being edited when on the theme file editor. - 'plugin'
(string) Plugin being edited when on the plugin file editor. - 'codemirror'
(array) Additional CodeMirror setting overrides. - 'csslint'
(array) CSSLint rule overrides. - 'jshint'
(array) JSHint rule overrides. - 'htmlhint'
(array) HTMLHint rule overrides.
- 'type'
(array|false) Settings for the code editor.
File: wp-includes/general-template.php
function wp_get_code_editor_settings( $args ) { $settings = array( 'codemirror' => array( 'indentUnit' => 4, 'indentWithTabs' => true, 'inputStyle' => 'contenteditable', 'lineNumbers' => true, 'lineWrapping' => true, 'styleActiveLine' => true, 'continueComments' => true, 'extraKeys' => array( 'Ctrl-Space' => 'autocomplete', 'Ctrl-/' => 'toggleComment', 'Cmd-/' => 'toggleComment', 'Alt-F' => 'findPersistent', 'Ctrl-F' => 'findPersistent', 'Cmd-F' => 'findPersistent', ), 'direction' => 'ltr', // Code is shown in LTR even in RTL languages. 'gutters' => array(), ), 'csslint' => array( 'errors' => true, // Parsing errors. 'box-model' => true, 'display-property-grouping' => true, 'duplicate-properties' => true, 'known-properties' => true, 'outline-none' => true, ), 'jshint' => array( // The following are copied from <https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-develop/blob/4.8.1/.jshintrc>. 'boss' => true, 'curly' => true, 'eqeqeq' => true, 'eqnull' => true, 'es3' => true, 'expr' => true, 'immed' => true, 'noarg' => true, 'nonbsp' => true, 'onevar' => true, 'quotmark' => 'single', 'trailing' => true, 'undef' => true, 'unused' => true, 'browser' => true, 'globals' => array( '_' => false, 'Backbone' => false, 'jQuery' => false, 'JSON' => false, 'wp' => false, ), ), 'htmlhint' => array( 'tagname-lowercase' => true, 'attr-lowercase' => true, 'attr-value-double-quotes' => false, 'doctype-first' => false, 'tag-pair' => true, 'spec-char-escape' => true, 'id-unique' => true, 'src-not-empty' => true, 'attr-no-duplication' => true, 'alt-require' => true, 'space-tab-mixed-disabled' => 'tab', 'attr-unsafe-chars' => true, ), ); $type = ''; if ( isset( $args['type'] ) ) { $type = $args['type']; // Remap MIME types to ones that CodeMirror modes will recognize. if ( 'application/x-patch' === $type || 'text/x-patch' === $type ) { $type = 'text/x-diff'; } } elseif ( isset( $args['file'] ) && false !== strpos( basename( $args['file'] ), '.' ) ) { $extension = strtolower( pathinfo( $args['file'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ); foreach ( wp_get_mime_types() as $exts => $mime ) { if ( preg_match( '!^(' . $exts . ')$!i', $extension ) ) { $type = $mime; break; } } // Supply any types that are not matched by wp_get_mime_types(). if ( empty( $type ) ) { switch ( $extension ) { case 'conf': $type = 'text/nginx'; break; case 'css': $type = 'text/css'; break; case 'diff': case 'patch': $type = 'text/x-diff'; break; case 'html': case 'htm': $type = 'text/html'; break; case 'http': $type = 'message/http'; break; case 'js': $type = 'text/javascript'; break; case 'json': $type = 'application/json'; break; case 'jsx': $type = 'text/jsx'; break; case 'less': $type = 'text/x-less'; break; case 'md': $type = 'text/x-gfm'; break; case 'php': case 'phtml': case 'php3': case 'php4': case 'php5': case 'php7': case 'phps': $type = 'application/x-httpd-php'; break; case 'scss': $type = 'text/x-scss'; break; case 'sass': $type = 'text/x-sass'; break; case 'sh': case 'bash': $type = 'text/x-sh'; break; case 'sql': $type = 'text/x-sql'; break; case 'svg': $type = 'application/svg+xml'; break; case 'xml': $type = 'text/xml'; break; case 'yml': case 'yaml': $type = 'text/x-yaml'; break; case 'txt': default: $type = 'text/plain'; break; } } } if ( in_array( $type, array( 'text/css', 'text/x-scss', 'text/x-less', 'text/x-sass' ), true ) ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => $type, 'lint' => false, 'autoCloseBrackets' => true, 'matchBrackets' => true, ) ); } elseif ( 'text/x-diff' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'diff', ) ); } elseif ( 'text/html' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'htmlmixed', 'lint' => true, 'autoCloseBrackets' => true, 'autoCloseTags' => true, 'matchTags' => array( 'bothTags' => true, ), ) ); if ( ! current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) { $settings['htmlhint']['kses'] = wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ); } } elseif ( 'text/x-gfm' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'gfm', 'highlightFormatting' => true, ) ); } elseif ( 'application/javascript' === $type || 'text/javascript' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'javascript', 'lint' => true, 'autoCloseBrackets' => true, 'matchBrackets' => true, ) ); } elseif ( false !== strpos( $type, 'json' ) ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => array( 'name' => 'javascript', ), 'lint' => true, 'autoCloseBrackets' => true, 'matchBrackets' => true, ) ); if ( 'application/ld+json' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror']['mode']['jsonld'] = true; } else { $settings['codemirror']['mode']['json'] = true; } } elseif ( false !== strpos( $type, 'jsx' ) ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'jsx', 'autoCloseBrackets' => true, 'matchBrackets' => true, ) ); } elseif ( 'text/x-markdown' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'markdown', 'highlightFormatting' => true, ) ); } elseif ( 'text/nginx' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'nginx', ) ); } elseif ( 'application/x-httpd-php' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'php', 'autoCloseBrackets' => true, 'autoCloseTags' => true, 'matchBrackets' => true, 'matchTags' => array( 'bothTags' => true, ), ) ); } elseif ( 'text/x-sql' === $type || 'text/x-mysql' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'sql', 'autoCloseBrackets' => true, 'matchBrackets' => true, ) ); } elseif ( false !== strpos( $type, 'xml' ) ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'xml', 'autoCloseBrackets' => true, 'autoCloseTags' => true, 'matchTags' => array( 'bothTags' => true, ), ) ); } elseif ( 'text/x-yaml' === $type ) { $settings['codemirror'] = array_merge( $settings['codemirror'], array( 'mode' => 'yaml', ) ); } else { $settings['codemirror']['mode'] = $type; } if ( ! empty( $settings['codemirror']['lint'] ) ) { $settings['codemirror']['gutters'][] = 'CodeMirror-lint-markers'; } // Let settings supplied via args override any defaults. foreach ( wp_array_slice_assoc( $args, array( 'codemirror', 'csslint', 'jshint', 'htmlhint' ) ) as $key => $value ) { $settings[ $key ] = array_merge( $settings[ $key ], $value ); } /** * Filters settings that are passed into the code editor. * * Returning a falsey value will disable the syntax-highlighting code editor. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param array $settings The array of settings passed to the code editor. * A falsey value disables the editor. * @param array $args { * Args passed when calling `get_code_editor_settings()`. * * @type string $type The MIME type of the file to be edited. * @type string $file Filename being edited. * @type WP_Theme $theme Theme being edited when on the theme file editor. * @type string $plugin Plugin being edited when on the plugin file editor. * @type array $codemirror Additional CodeMirror setting overrides. * @type array $csslint CSSLint rule overrides. * @type array $jshint JSHint rule overrides. * @type array $htmlhint HTMLHint rule overrides. * } */ return apply_filters( 'wp_code_editor_settings', $settings, $args ); }
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Version | Description |
5.0.0 | Introduced. |